Share your story about doing it God’s way!
Whether it’s about dating or marriage, jobs or family problems, getting free of addictions or breaking strongholds…He blesses us when we trust Him.
Please feel free to send us your own story about living life God’s way.
We will publish new stories periodically, as provided.
(You can submit your story through our Contact page.)
From Empty to Abundantly Blessed
Growing up in a Christian home, I often felt God was trying to rob me of a good time. It seemed that everything fun, normal, socially acceptable and interesting, I was not allowed to do. From movies to friends and boyfriends, some level of restriction always made me feel an [...]
Keeping God at the Center of Your Relationship
I had been in several dead-end relationships for many years. Always thinking “This will be the ONE,” and he never was. I so desperately wanted to get married and have children. I was in a very unhealthy relationship for four years before my now-husband. ... It was extremely detrimental to [...]